Abrasive Wheels Safety Courses
Our Abrasive Wheels Safety Course is a 1/2 day session for a maximum of 10 candidates. The course is delivered on customer premises and includes:
- Introduction to regulations and objectives of the course
- Types of injuries we are trying to prevent
- Burst wheels and causes
- Maximum speed of wheels and machines
- Protective clothing and equipment
- Audio Visuals
- Storage of Wheels
- Selecting Wheels
- Checks required on wheels and machines
- Mounting wheels correctly
- Correct use of machines and wheels
- Area around where cutting/grinding takes places
- Employers checklist
- Specialist abrasives eg Diamond wheels and drill bits (if required)
- Question Paper
“Instructor was excellent, fully in command of the subject and pitched the course perfectly for me. He also made it a very enjoyable experience all round.”
Contact Us
CDR Training Ltd is based in Lichfield, Staffordshire meaning we are ideally placed to deliver training on customer sites across the East & West Midlands, Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Shropshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire.
For more information, please email info@cdr-training.co.uk, give us a call on 01543 411305 or complete our Training Course Enquiry Form.
CDR Training LTD - Company No: 9278274 / VAT Reg: 876 0138 16.