T: 01543 411305 E: INFO@CDR-TRAINING.CO.UK

Operator Training & Safety Courses for your Workforce

Our workplace transport operator training courses are available for operators of all level of skill and experience – Novice Operators * Experienced  Untrained Operators * Refreshers * Conversions

We can help with operator training for new staff members, development of current staff skills or updating of qualifications with a re-assessment

For information and advice on how we can help with your training needs, please get in touch with details of your requirements or use the enquiry form below

Got a Question? Please call 01543 411305 or email

Training Course Enquiry

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CDR Training is an RTITB accredited lift truck training provider, and we have been working with trade customers from a variety of industries since 2000, providing operator training on a whole range of forklift trucks for operators of all levels of experience.

Contact Us

CDR Training Ltd is based in Lichfield, Staffordshire meaning we are ideally placed to deliver training on customer sites across the East & West Midlands, Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Shropshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire.

For more information, please email us a call on 01543 411305 or complete our Training Course Enquiry Form.

CDR Training LTD - Company No: 9278274 / VAT Reg: 876 0138 16.